Happy New Year! Get ready for a year of awesome art!



I have embarked on this artsy-fartsy journey self-funded every step of the way. Fast forward 20 years, and I've proudly shipped 10s of thousands of artworks around the globe. 



My screen print pricing has hardly increased since those early days, and as we all know, expenses and overhead do nothing but increase.

I find myself focusing my time on painting, murals and other various client projects. I am not screen printing as much lately. My screen print runs are becoming few and far between thus my screen prints are becoming more rare. I do not plan to reprint any existing screen print editions as I've done in the past, and all print runs moving forward will be limited, numbered/signed/dated editions. Once they're gone, they're gone.

To give you some background on my process, each color for each screen print can take anywhere from a couple of hours for a small print run to a majority of a business day to print just one color, and some of my most recent prints have upwards of 9 colors. Multiply that by 100+ pieces in a print run, and I’m on press for a 9-day+ printing extravaganza. I love my job and wouldn’t change it for anything. When I boil it all down, I get to make art for a living every day!

I'm super stoked about my new line of Art Reproductions>, literally tripling the availability for many of my images-- Now available in Metal, Canvas and Fine Art Paper. The many substrates and price points surly something for everyone!

I’m genuinely appreciative of all the folks who bought, and continue to keep my art business alive. I’ve been in business for more than two decades, and there’s no sign of stoppin’ the hustle. Let’s go!

Hugs and High Fives,

- Adam