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Lady Slippers


Prints available on Paper, Metal, Canvas. New Framing Options for Paper Prints! 

Which one of these statements is true:

  1. Our State Flower is the Lady Slipper.

  2. Our State Lady is Judy Garland. 

  3. Our State Movie is the Wizard of Oz

  4. Our State Road is the yellow brick one. . .Ope! You caught me there.

The Wizard of Oz was so much fun to watch when I was a kid. The black and white to spectacular color change was amazing. The ridiculousness of it all was super fun to me. Plus the overall message of there’s no place like home, is very true for me. Whoops, I got off on a tangent there. . .

My intent was to make a painting incorporating the Minnesota State Flower, the Lady Slipper in a unique and fun way. I immediately thought of ruby slippers. Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz wears ruby slippers. OK, I’ll mash those together for a truly Minnesota-loved concept.